819th Bomb Squadron
'The Captain and The Kids'

'Evasive Action'
I'm not totally sure, but I believe that this photo dates from after the ship's
transfer to the 11th BG. I really haven't researched too much yet but it seems
that there was a change in the style of some markings after the transfer,
notably the mission marks. More soon, after I come to a more definitive conclusion.

'Hell from Heaven'
'Hell from Heaven' was lost on January 17th, 1945.

'Night Mission'
This succession of photos shows 'Night Mission' at various points during her
operational use by both the 30th BG and 11th BG. The artwork on this ship was
arguably the finest in the PTO and is among my personal favorites.
The first shot looks as though it was taken shortly after the artwork was completed,
as it has a very pristine appearance. Also note that there are no mission marks
applied as yet.

These next two photos show the aircraft while still assigned to the 30th BG.
Photo Credits: Left, Mel Harms via Jim Ridge - Right: Unknown

These last three photos show 'Night Mission' after having been transferred to the
11th BG. Note the change in style and color of the mission marks; they were
previously either black or dark blue while the aircraft was in service with the
30th BG and were changed to yellow with an outline once in service with the 11th
Photo Credits: Left, Unknown - Right, USAFM

Photo Credit: Unknown
'Puddle Jumper II'

This next photo may have been taken after the ship was transferred to the 11th BG.
Photo Credit: Unknown

'Upstairs Maid'

I have no information for this photo...
USAF Photo

All photos courtesy of Jim Ridge and Mel Harms via Jim Ridge, unless noted...